Well, we made it to the end of the One Room Challenge week 4. It was not without a few hiccups but here we are chugging along and grateful that the final reveal was extended by a week because this girl is going to need all the extra time she can get.

Week 4 started out a bit dark, and I mean literally as we went through a 48 hr power outage due to living in California in a high fire area. Whenever it gets windy our power company pretty much shuts off power to our entire county which makes everything a bit more difficult. But with the help of our faithful generator progress was still made.
This is what we had planned for the week:
Paint desk and cabinetsFigure out a paint color for feature walls- Install the feature slat walls (got one done)
What We Did This Week
Painting in the dark
The goal this week was to get the desk and cabinets all painted. I originally planned to pull out my spray gun to do this job which would have been fantastic, but with the power outage I did not trust using the gun with the generator to get an even spray so I decided instead of waiting for the power to come back, I pulled out a roller and did it all by hand. So with one light and wine as a backup, I got most of the cabinets painted before we had power back on Tuesday afternoon.

I went through a few different color options but landed on Lion Yellow by Benjamin Moore and I am IN LOVE. It is the perfect mix of cream with a hint of pink and it looks magical next to the variations of colors in the fireplace stones.
Speaking of paint colors
I think one of the most difficult parts of this week was figuring out what color to paint the slat walls that will hug either side of our front door. I originally wanted a light green that would compliment our kitchen cabinets, but then thought a darker green would look great too. I went through sample after sample and decided to give the lighter green a try. I painted the whole wall green but then realized that I needed a bolder color in the room, it was looking like too many pastels.

So then I went with the darker green and realized it clashed with my kitchen cabinets, so third times a charm, I ended up actually using the same color as my kitchen cabinets which is Salamander by Benjamin Moore. I am obsessed with this green, it is the perfect dark green with a blue undertone but can look black in the right light.

Other colors that I looked at from left to right:
- Benjamin Moore- Brandy Cream (top)
- Benjamin Moore- Lion Yellow (middle)
- Benjamin Moore- Pumpkin Seed (bottom)
- Benjamin Moore- Salamander
- Benjamin Moore- Peale Green
- Benjamin Moore- Mojave Desert
- Benjamin Moore- High Park
- Magnolia Home– Seasonal
Building the slat wall
The last task for this week was getting the slat wall up. I have known I want to do a slat wall in my house since 3 years ago when I built the chicken coop. It was the first big build we did on the property, and I love the horizontal slats to this day. We also pulled the slat look into our front yard fence, so it makes sense to have a slat wall inside.

After looking at the cost to buy a bunch of 1/2″ by 1/2″ trim I decided the best thing for my pocketbook was to make my own. I used MDF board and the table saw to cut like a gazillion strips. I then attached them to the wall using my brad nailer.

I then spent a ridiculous amount of time painting between each and every one of those little slats. So if you are wondering what I was up to after work pretty much everyday last week, it was this… PAINTING

I have to say though, I am pretty happy with how it turned out, I just have to do it all over again on the other side of the wall!

As usual I had a few helpers this week
Other participants
Want to see what other participants are up to and how their spaces are coming along, make sure to check out the week 3 post on One Room Challenge. This is such a great bi-annual event put on and sponsored by Better Home and Gardens one of my all-time favorite publications.
I met so many amazing new friends and found inspiration from other challenge participants. Make sure to check out all of the amazing reveals from the other designers who participated here.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. Also, some items may be gifted but all opinions are my own.